Certification Services
Certification Services
We offer your organization Certification Services to obtain the ISO certificate of the specified discipline. The portfolio of our certification services includes all international standards, e.g.:
ISO 9001:2015 / ISO 22301:2022 / ISO 45001: 2018 / ISO 41001:2018 / ISO 50001:2011 / ISO 27001:2013 / ISO 22001:2018 / ISO 14001:2015 / ISO 29991:2014 / ISO 29993:2017 / ISO 29994:2017 / ISO 21001:2018
Full supervising and focus for an entire year by the ISO Senior Lead Auditor and TÜV Austria Cooperation Partner.
Dr. Mohamed-Ali Abraham, and his team of qualified Lead Auditors, Trainers, and Consultants.
Use this distinctive chance and order the Initial Certification Audit of one of the worldwide recognized Certification Body: TÜV Austria, and acquire the international ISO Certificate of your field.
Your objective is our objective. We assist you in reaching the Certification Level
We imagine and expect that one of the respectful goals of your organization is to “widen the participation of your interested parties.” That’s excellent. We will assist you thereon.
In cooperation with you and your team, we will even reach a form of “stimulation of excellence and innovation” throughout your instructional organization.
Let us try and prove it.
Certification Services
We offer added-value Certification Audits from one of the worldwide recognized Certification Body, TÜV Austria to get the ISO certificate of the specified discipline. We offer our services for entities and individuals as well:
Certification could be a valuable truth to deliver the proof by illustrating that your services meet customer needs and fulfill specific necessities. Certification could also be a legitimate or lawfully binding demand for some businesses. Concerning all companies, certifications build a more vital level of security, confidence, and increment performance. Our auditors have the precise education standards data and the principles of associate degree of an optimum management system. They’re well-trained to deliver added-value service that specializes in considering customer necessities and enhancing performance.
TÜV Austria is our Certification Body and partner, headquartered in the Austrian capital, Vienna, providing management system certification services to all industry sectors, everywhere around the globe.
Audits the management systems of the client organization to work out compliance with the relevant standards and to produce added reports to encourage each corrective action (if necessary) and opportunities for improvement. The portfolio of our certification services includes the following standards, and more:
ISO 9001:2015 / ISO 22301:2022 / ISO 45001: 2018 / ISO 41001:2018 / ISO 50001:2011 / ISO 27001:2013 / ISO 22001:2018 / ISO 14001:2015 / ISO 29991:2014 / ISO 29993:2017 / ISO 29994:2017 / ISO 21001:2018
Our active and friendly audit team gains a deep understanding of your business within the initial stage, its strategic direction, context, risks, and service delivery processes to ensure a customer-oriented perspective for the advantage of customers, employees, and broader stakeholders.
The procedure of an ISO certification
The procedure of certification by TÜV Austriafollows a transparent setup.
On this page, we’ll introduce you to the steps you would like to require leading you to the certification audit and getting the ISO certificate within the desired discipline.
Step one: Initial audit, 1st phase
It is the system documentation check.
At the beginning of the certification procedure, your TÜV Austria-auditor considers the structure of your management system, the quality manual you deliver, the process landscape, and the sequence and interaction of your processes.
In discussion with your management, they allow us to understand your company’s orientation and that we develop an intensive understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your organization. However, we tend to determine the potential for improvement that gives you a true competitive advantage. Additionally, we glance at your (preliminary) Management Review and your internal audits. In conjunction with the company goals, we tend to consider this information within the next audit step.
After closing this phase and gaining a deep understanding of your processes, procedures, and work instructions, we’ll verify the further course of the audit with you. You get the chance to correct potential vulnerabilities till the subsequent audit step.
Initial Audit Phase 2:
Checking the practical implementation of the ISO requirements of the specific standard.
In the second phase of the certification audit, we tend to audit however you have enforced the necessities for your management system. At a particular audit scope, we’ll place along an experienced auditing team. In the beginning, we tend to interview the management. Current problems flow directly into the audit. We tend to then audit the elements of the management system that offer basic information. We’ll investigate the sensible application on the spot.
Finally, we offer you a comprehensive audit report with an outline for your management. If there aren’t any deviations, you may receive an internationally recognized certificate for three years. If deviations square measure detected, they need to be fittingly processed, so you receive your certificate once the re-audit is positively conducted.
1st Surveillance Audits
It is for maintaining the certification.
In the following twelve months, after the completion of the initial audit, we audit again the elements of your management system thoroughly. Shorter intervals of 9- or 6-month square measure potential. Finally, you may receive the audit report with an outline for your management.
TÜV Austria Tip: The Surveillance Audits ought to primarily serve your company. Your auditor can concentrate on vital problems like client satisfaction or the impact of your management system on your business results. Their goals, also as current problems, square measure central to the audit method.
2nd Surveillance Audit / Focus audit
Your future coming up with the quality management system based on your standard.
In the last audit before the recertification (focus audit), we tend to bundle the results for your management: however, has your management system developed since the initial audit? What progress has been made? In doing this, we tend to consider the focal points of your company strategy.
The results for the future come up with square measures taken under consideration within the audit report. On this basis, you’ll, with success, begin a brand-new certification cycle (recertification) over three further years.
Our Tip: The audit report provides a straightforward summary of potential strengths and weaknesses. Your TÜV AustriaAuditor conjointly points out the potential for improvement.
Proposal & Contract – we tend to provide you with a proposal describing the price and time concerned in an exceedingly formal assessment.